Being with a Body

Being with a Body

It’s who we really are. It’s being a partner to your physical earthsuit, which actually makes it more of a willing partner to you.

How about some tools to make it ease, joy and glory?

Access Bars – Experience it or Get the Certification in a Bars Class to become a practitioner

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Qi Energy to Move Your Vibrations to a higher place!

Many people try to change their body and change their thought processes, and the sheer volume of programs to do this is amazing. What if it’s possible to create with both at the same time?

About Me

Renae has trained hundreds of students in good-feeling movement that also relieves pain in back, shoulders, neck, hips, and knees. She teaches a well-rounded blend of techniques that improve heart, balance, breath work, and total-body strength and flexibility.

Hand and Foot Reflexology, Fascial Care for Pain Relief
Posture Training,
Creating more Energy for Life
Tai Chi/Qigong Energy Flow

Packages Available

Access Consciousness Bars
Access Consciousness Energetic Face Lift

$125 per session

1 hour session

Packages available

Personalized Energy and Body Training


1 hour session

Packages available

By Appointment Only

Theresa Renae Cane

is a Certified Personal Trainer and has been based in San Antonio, TX for 20+ years. With Access Consciousness, she is a Bars Practitioner and Facilitator (I teach Bars classes), Energetic Facelift Practitioner and Facilitator (I teach Energetic Facelift classes), Body Process Practitioner, and a CFMW.

Do you have questions about services and classes?

(210) 803-7713

1246 Austin Hwy San Antonio, TX 78209

click the link below!

To get started,